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Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Unusual food combinations to lose weight in 30 days!


Corns and beans

Corn is high in a different type of carb, one which slows down your digestion. Slow digestion means you will eat a your next meal late and small. Beans are high in fiber and this creates you fuller for longer and stops you from bingeing. Sprinkle pepper on this combination to provide  your metabolism a boost.

Almonds and pistachios

This is a combination you must try, if weight loss is on a your mind. As per a study, consuming almonds and pistachios together aids your weight-loss program . But consuming more than a handful of nuts in a day is not a well idea. Nuts are fulled with calories. Have a handful of nuts before you went to the gym. They will not only provide you energy but also increase your metabolism.

Watermelon and apples

We don't know how right it is that "an apple a day keeps the doctor away", but what we do know is an apples, when eaten together with watermelon, can definitely keep the fat away. Watermelon increases your lipid profile and lowers fat accumulation. Apple even decreases the visceral fat in the body. Taken together, they work to cut down fat the super fast.

Banana and spinach

Banana works as a great post-meal snack, but consuming banana before a workout even gives you with energy. A heavy fruit such as banana with a low-calorie veggie such as spinach is said to be a great combination for weight loss. Spinach aids you burn more fat.

Oatmeal with berries

Oatmeal is a healthy (plain and not flavoured) choice for breakfast. It controls a person's hunger as it is high in fiber . The chemicals in berries help weight loss and detain the formation of fats in the body.

Yogurt and cinnamon

Yogurt is surely recommended to people who wish to lose weight. But you can create that bowl of yogurt more effective by adding cinnamon to it. Cinnamon aids to decrease the amount of stored fat in your body. It is even  rich in antioxidants, which detain free radical damage and premature ageing.

Dark chocolate with berries and walnuts

We think if we are on a weight-loss plan, we cannot have a dessert. But what if having some dark chocolate can actually aid you lose weight. Chocolate with at least 70 %  cacao is full of anti-inflammatory properties and antioxidants. Cacao even has flavanols which detain you from gaining weight, says a study released in Journal BMJ. To double the antioxidants, you can add a berries to dark chocolate. Walnuts are high in polyunsaturated fats that boost metabolism and decrease fat storage.

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