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Tuesday, August 9, 2022

Do Air Conditioners Cause Any Harm to the Environment?

  Do Air Conditioners Cause Any Harm to the Environment?

Air conditioning is a primary of everyday life in the modern world. Here in the Fort Wayne, Indiana area, it is hard to visual navigating a summer without it. We depend on it to cool and climate-control our house, office buildings, and automobiles.  

So, while all of your buddies here at Masters Heating & Cooling, Inc. appreciate just how wonderful air conditioning is, it is vital to recognize the impact air conditioning has on the environment. Air conditioners can negatively affect the environment in the same way that other machines that burn fossil fuels do: by emitting dangerous by-product gases into the atmosphere. Most air conditioners are fueled by electricity and utilize a refrigerant that results in gaseous emissions that contribute to global warming and ozone layer depletion. In fact, some studies forecast that by 2050, approximately 25 percent of global warming will be caused by air conditioning.


However, the effect of air conditioning is not all bad. In fact, aside from the obvious advantage of a cooler, dehumidified air to healthier and more comfortable living, today’s air conditioners are much more efficient and less damaging to the environment than they used to be. Newer models – like Masters’ full line of Carrier models – utilize  less energy and are fueled with safer, cleaner refrigerant. Air conditioning even impacts the environment in a positive way in the manufacturing world. Workers are much more productive in a climate-controlled environment, resulting in less wasted time and energy usage.


One of the main jobs of your air conditioner is to develop and maintain your home’s indoor air quality (IAQ), which is integral in promoting good health and quality of life. That’s why it is so very vital to perform regular maintenance on your HVAC system. An easy – but pivotal – place to start is by regularly changing air filters. Installing a house air purification system, humidifier or UV lights are even good options for increasing IAQ. Call us today for more details on these products or to learn about our Energy Savings Agreement maintenance plan.


Unhappily , there will come a time when it will become too costly to keep your old HVAC system running. Or perhaps its lifespan is nearing the end and replacing it is imminent. Either way, you can take comfort in the fact that a newer air conditioner will affect the environment much less than your old one. Call Masters’ HVAC professionals today to learn all about our highly-efficient and hardworking Carrier models.  

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