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Friday, January 15, 2021

watch todays gold-silver and all apmc market rate

 Daily Market Report All APMC – Agriculture Marketing Updates | Useful Information

Gold and silver live rate 

to check the latest updates of gold and silver in india and the world moneycontrol application is the best application to watch all the share market related and commodity related price and its fluctuation is an Indian online business news website owned by E-EIGHTEEN Dot Com (P) Ltd., a subsidiary of the media house TV18.

The website was started by the husband and wife team of Victor and Sangeeta Fernandes. In 2000, it was acquired by E-Eighteen dot com,a subsidiary of the Indian TV channel TV18. The couple were given 7.5% of the equity capital and E-18 got 92.5% following the acquisition.In 2014, Reliance Industries acquired Network 18 and TV18. This acquisition included and several other websites and channels owned by TV18.

In March 2008, the gaming website "MyUniverse" collaborated with to provide "an expanded personal finance platform". This service enabled users to manage their bank and credit card related details at one place along with transaction services and regular recommendations.

In the news

Mathew Easow, an investment adviser active on the site was fined by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) in September 2006 for giving misleading recommendations.[4] In the same year the website launched Moneybhai Investor, a virtual stock market game where players could deal in real-time.[5] The website has also helped in organising investor's camps.

In July , Hutch and launched stock alerts packs. In October of the same year, the Delhi High Court ordered it to stop publishing articles from Mint after Mint's owner HT Media filed a copyright infringement suit."Vaishya", a stock simulation event was conducted by at PSG College of Technology's annual fest in February 2008. The website underwent a makeover in July 2008 based on viewers' feedbacks. The government of Maharashtra blocked and in its headquarter Mantralaya in January 2010 following complaints that employees' use of these websites for online trading was affecting regular work. In 2010 Intuit Money Manager, a financial software was launched by Intuit India and, which provided a free 90-days trial. The software enabled users to keep all their investment related information at one place and also calculate tax returns. After the trial ended ₹ 1 was charged per was hacked on 6 November 2010 and a malicious code was inserted which redirected to an exploit website

In January 2019, users reported that the interim dividend information for Coal India, the largest coal manufacturer in the world was shown wrongly on money control's website as zero, when in actuality it was Rs. 7.25/share for December 

Gold has over the years been a perfect hedge against inflation. Investors are increasingly looking at gold as an important investment. Goodreturns (OneIndia Money) is providing gold price in India herewith for our readers informational purposes only. These gold rates are updated today and are sourced from reputed jewellers in the country.Silver Rate in India

The Indian market offers to invest in commodities like Silver and gold beyond the ordinary shares, real estate, and bonds. The commodity markets are stable than the equity and mutual funds. This is a viable option regarding an investment that is safe.

Silver is an industrious as well as a precious metal. Silver in India is mainly imported rather than produced. The metal is malleable, ductile, lustrous, and also a good conductor of electricity.

The demand for Silver is rising every day in India and China. The ever-increasing gold price has shifted the investor's attention to Silver which is also a haven. The versatile metal is mostly utilized in industrial applications.

The demand for the metal has increased at a rate greater than its production which means that the commodity only appreciates.

India's Silver demand is mostly for jewelry and Silverware. The increasing industrial growth would result in a higher amount of application for the metal.

The Silver prices are fixed based on various factors. The buying, selling, produ

click here to check gold and silver rate 

is the Daily Market Report All APMC – Agriculture Marketing Updates | Useful Information :- Research and Information Network (MRIN) a sub-scheme of ISAM was launched in March 2000 to provide electronic connectivity to the wholesale markets of the country. The objective is to collect, analyse and disseminate market information to the farmers, traders, Policymakers and other stakeholders. More than 3200 markets are covered under the scheme and more than 2700 markets are reporting data at Agmarknet portal. More than 350 commodities and 2000 varieties are covered under the scheme.

 The scheme is being implemented by the Directorate of Marketing & Inspection with technical assistance from the National Informatics Centre (NIC) and in association with the State Agricultural Marketing Boards/Directorates and APMCs.

Market Information about the price and arrival etc. for the agricultural produce is very vital to the farmers taking proper production and marketing decisions. The existence and dissemination of complete and accurate market information are key to achieve both operational and pricing efficiency in the marketing system.

The objective of the Scheme:

To establish a Nation-wide market information Network for speedy collection and facilitate collection and dissemination of information related to better price dissemination of market information and data for its efficient and timely utilisation. 

realization and market access by the farmers. This would cover:

Market-related information price-related information infrastructure-related information market requirement related information to sensitize and orient farmers to respond to new challenges in agricultural marketing by using IT as a vehicle of extension. To improve efficiency in agricultural marketing through regular training and extension for reaching region-specific farmers in their local language. To provide assistance for marketing research to generate market information for its 

dissemination to farmers and other market functionaries at the grass-root level to create an ambience of good marketing practices in the country information relating to the Schemes in respect of agricultural marketing implemented by the Government Departments and central agencies. Once the farm produce is standardised and labelled, backed by quality certification, it can be directly offered for sale on spot exchange in national and international markets

all apmc market price click here

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Monday, January 11, 2021

A complete understanding of diabetes and its treatment

 diabetes and its treatment 

diabetes and its treatment 

A total comprehension of diabetes and its treatment 

What diet should a diabetic patient follow? 

Diet for patients with diabetes 

The significance of activity in diabetes 

What is diabetes? 

The complete name of diabetes which we know as diabetes seems to be 'diabetes mellitus'. (Salt like nectar) Sweet pee like nectar implies diabetes mellitus otherwise known as 'diabetes mellitus'. Starting now and into the foreseeable future, for straightforwardness, the infection is alluded to just as diabetes. In a diabetic patient, there is a lack of endocrine insulin, which manages glucose in the body. The primary capacity of insulin is to convey glucose particles from the blood into the patient's cells. Because of the absence of insulin, glucose particles can't arrive at the patient's cells from the blood. Subsequently, despite the fact that the body has a lot of glucose, the body's cells can't utilize it. The state of the body becomes like a state loaded with confusion and bedlam in which individuals bite the dust of starvation in spite of the plenitude of food. Despite the fact that there is a lot of glucose in the body, the cells of a diabetic patient experience the ill effects of absence of glucose. As blood glucose levels rise (in excess of 120 mg/dL), overabundance blood glucose starts to be discharged in the pee. This significant segment of sustaining the body is hence squandered and the patient's condition deteriorates. He feels ravenous, parched and pees a ton; And over the long haul, harm to the eyes, heart, kidneys, nerves, and so on can prompt numerous confusions. 

Sound man's blood - what is the typical sugar in the pee? 

Most importantly, we should get what "sugar" signifies. "Sugar" can signify "sugar" in Gujarati or "sugar" in Sanskrit. Normally with regards to "sugar" in the blood or pee, it is viewed as glucose. Glucose is a significant fuel that stimulates the body's cells. Our eating routine comprises of three primary segments of energy - sugars; Protein and fat. The starches that make up the biggest of these three are found in various types of food. Oats, lentils, potatoes, yams, tubers, natural products, vegetables, and so forth have an exceptionally enormous portion of sugars. At the point when sugars are ingested in various structures, the greater part of the food is ultimately changed over into glucose after processing. In the event that you have not eaten during the evening, the following morning on a vacant stomach you will discover around 8 to 115 mg of glucose for each 100 ml of blood in a solid individual. 

After a feast, the processed glucose is assimilated into the circulatory system inside a few hours. Blood glucose levels rise drastically during a time of about 30 minutes to two hours after an every day dinner There ought to be no sugar 

Eat an assortment of nourishments 

Rather than eating similar nourishments consistently, eat an assortment of food sources. Rather than a similar sort of grain bean-vegetable or organic product, pick various kinds of oat bean-vegetable or organic product consistently with the goal that various tastes can be delighted in and the fixings in a single sort of food can be remunerated by another food. In the event that you get more potassium in certain natural products, you will get more nutrients in others. 

Eat as much as you use 

Eat as much energy (calories) as you can use for different exercises and exercise during the day. Eating nourishments that are more powerful than you can burn-through consistently will assist you with shedding pounds, which can be risky for your wellbeing. Diabetics who are overweight should design their eating regimen so that they get around 200 kcal less energy than they use for day by day exercises and exercise. It is simpler to control diabetes on the off chance that you lose half or one kilogram of weight each month and lose five kilograms per year and keep up the weight reduction. There is no compelling reason to go hungry to decrease the energy (calories) you get from food. Yet, low calorie nourishments should be picked. Ghee-oil-spread meat and so on are high fat and unhealthy nourishments. While plates of mixed greens, vegetables, organic products, and so on are generally low calorie and low fat nourishments. Increment the admission of vegetables, plates of mixed greens, natural products in the eating routine and quit eating seared, farsan, ghee desserts, bread rolls, meat and so forth 

Pick more pungent nourishments 

Dietary fiber ought to be adequate in the eating routine of each sound individual. Patients with diabetes should ensure that they have enough fiber in their eating routine. The filaments forestall the abrupt ascent of sugar in the blood. Just as keeping cholesterol from rising. Entire grains and vegetables are high in fiber. Oat grains (for example grain, kodari, samo, nagli) and so forth have more fiber. So offer inclination to little grain grains rather than huge grain grains like wheat-rice and so forth Also decide to utilize hand-processed rice and wheat flour rather than processed rice rather than processed rice. Rather than lentils and stripped organic products, if conceivable, make it a propensity to eat all natural products without stripping. The roots have moderately couple of filaments. Incline toward vegetables all things being equal. 

Eat less cholesterol and less immersed fat 

Cholesterol and fat decrease are liable for the vast majority of the drawn out inconveniences that happen in diabetics. Cholesterol comes from milk and non-veggie lover nourishments while vegetable oils contain soaked fats from which cholesterol is made. Coursing fat harms the veins of diabetics, narrowing and solidifying the veins, which can prompt coronary illness or gangrene of the legs. Non-vegan and ghee-cream - Stop devouring margarine is gainful for diabetics. Moreover, utilize just oil as a vegetable enhancement and quit utilizing singed things and mouth-watering things (bhakri-thalpa, puri, paratha, and so forth) All bread rolls contain hydrogenated vegetable ghee, which is very hazardous for the supply routes and it is attractive to quit devouring it totally. 

Eat nourishments that are not high in sugar. 

It isn't unprecedented for a diabetic to cease sweet nourishments, however it is significant for diabetics just as each solid individual to be mindful so as not to surpass four teaspoons (twenty grams) a day. Unnecessary pleasantness gives just energy (calories) without nutrients and fiber. Which is risky for long haul wellbeing. On the off chance that sugar is to be "added" to the eating routine, the measure of different sugars (starch, and so forth) ought to be decreased so the complete calories don't increment. 

Significant LINK:: 



Diminish utilization of salt soft drink papad 

Diabetes and hypertension are related with one another. In the event that one occurs, at that point the odds of getting another infection are extraordinarily expanded. Hypertension in a diabetic patient builds the danger of kidney and heart harm. To keep this from occurring, it is significant for each diabetic patient to decrease their admission of sodium-containing things, for example, salt-soft drink papad. An aggregate of six grams of salt in the every day diet is a sizable amount of salt. One squeeze (comprised of two fingers and thumbs) contains around two grams of salt so it is alluring not to utilize multiple portions of salt per individual. It is additionally essential to restrict the utilization of pop containing dishes and farsanas (for example ganthiya, fafda, papadi, and so on) 

Avoid addictions 

Tobacco-liquor compulsion hurts a solid individual just as diabetics. Outright shirking of such addictions is basic for diabetics. 




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DRDO Apprentice Recruitment for Various 150 Post.

DRDO Apprentice Employment for  Various 150 Post.

DRDO Apprentice Employment for 150 Post.DRDO defence research and development organization come up with many vacancy to fill up for various 150 posts.

Defence Research and Development Organizatoin (DRDO) has  issued  a new notification for many post for Diploma and Graduate Candidate. The DRDO was set up in year 1958 by amalgamating the Defense Science Organization and a portion of the specialized development foundations.


A different Department of Defense Research and Development was shaped in year 1980 which later on directed DRDO and its 50 labs/foundations. More often than not the Defense Research Development Organization was treated as though it was a trading and the Army Headquarters or the Air Headquarters were the clients. Since the Army and the Air Force themselves didn't have any plan or development obligation, they would in general treat the originator or Indian industry at standard with their relating planner on the planet market. On the off chance that they could receive  a MiG-21 from the world market, they require a MiG-21 from DRDO.

DRDO began its first significant venture in surface-to-air rockets (SAM) known as Project Indigo during the year 1960 s. Indigo was stopped in later years without making full develop. Task Indigo asked Project Devil, alongside Project Valiant, to grow short-range SAM and ICBM during the year 1970 s. Undertaking Devil itself prompted the later development of the Prithvi rocket under the Integrated Guided Missile Development Program (IGMDP) during the year 1980s. IGMDP was an Indian Ministry of Defense program between the mid 1980s and 2007 for the advancement of a perfect scope of rockets, containing the Agni rocket, Prithvi ballistic rocket, Akash rocket, Trishul rocket and Nag Missile. In year 2010, guard serve A. K. Antony appealed the rebuilding of the DRDO to give 'a significant lift to safeguard research in the nation and to guarantee compelling interest of the private area in protection innovation'. The critical measures to create DRDO compelling in its working incorporate the foundation of a Defense Technology Commission with the guard serve as its a chairman.[9][10] The projects which were usually overseen by DRDO have seen extensive accomplishment with a big number of the frameworks seeing quick sending just as yielding huge mechanical benefits. Since its foundation, DRDO has made other significant frameworks and basic advancements, for example, airplane flying, UAVs, little arms, gunnery frameworks, EW Systems, tanks and defensively involved vehicles, sonar frameworks, order and control frameworks and rocket frameworks.

Other details such as Education Qualification, Vacancy Details, How to Apply, Selection Process, Age Limit, Who Can Apply for This employment , Fees and More Details Are provided  Below.The Defence Research and Development Organisation is an agency under the Department of Defence Research and Development in Ministry of Defence of the Government of India, charged with the military's research and development, headquartered in the Delhi, India.

Vacancy information:

➥ Post Name :

Graduate Apprentice Trainees :80

Diploma Apprentice Trainees : 30

ITI Apprentice Trainees : 40

➥ Complete Vacancy : 150

Vital  Date :

➥ Opening Date for the Online Application : 07-01-2021

➥ Last Date for the Online Application : 29-01-2021

Application Fees :

➥ No Fees for All Category.

➥ Issuing of First list of shortlisted applicants for interview/written test in DRDO website : 12-02-2021

➥ Acceptance by applicants  to join GTRE as Apprenticeship Trainee : 21-02-2021

➥ Interaction with the shortlisted applicants who have submitted acceptance to join (as per ‘c’ above) : 24-02-2021

➥ Potential date of declaration of finally selected applicants – Graduate/Diploma/ITI apprenticeship (by E-mail/DRDO Website)& GTRE Notice Board : 01-03-2021.

Vital Links :

Notification :- Click Here
Apply Now :- Click Here
Official Site :- Click Here
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LIC has brought you the most great offers! Just deposit Rs 2,522 and thus get Rs 9.60 lakh

 hurry up! LIC has brought you the most great offers! Just deposit Rs 2,522 and thus get Rs 9.60 lakh

Indian Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) It is the largest government insurance company in the country. This is almost why, even today, When it comes to policy, So first of all people trust this government company. Today we are going to tell you about the same policy of LIC, In which you can make a fund of Rs 9.60 lakh by depositing a monthly installment of Rs 2522 only with full guarantee of security. So let us know what is the full details of this policy

You can also protect the family

LIC's plan is very popular. The name of this policy is Jeevan Anand Niti. The special thing is that by investing a small amount in it, you can make a big fund. You can also protect your family. If something with you before the policy ends,it happens, So your family is not required to pay the remaining installments.

This is how the fund will be

Suppose you are 35 years old and you have started this policy. You have taken this policy for 20 years with an insured amount of Rs 5 lakh. On this basis, your installment will be Rs 30,273 per year. If you do this monthly, So your installment amount will be Rs 2522.

 LIC's plan is very popular. The name of this policy is Jeevan Anand Niti. The special thing is that by investing a small amount in it, you can make a big fund. You can also protect your family. If something with you before the policy ends,it happens, So your family is not required to pay the remaining installments.

This is how the fund will be

Suppose you are 35 years old and you have started this policy. You have taken this policy for 20 years with an insured amount of Rs 5 lakh. On this basis, your installment will be Rs 30,273 per year. If you do this monthly, So your installment amount will be Rs 2522.

Other benefits available on the policy

You will get a reversal bonus as of 45/1000 on your total insured amount.

So every year you will get Rs 22,500 as a bonus.

Bonus rates may vary.

Apart from this, you will also get a final additional bonus of Rs 10,000.

In this way you get Rs 9.60 lakh

click here for video 

For 35 years and 20 years policy, you have to deposit a total of 50 thousand rupees. You will get 20 installments of Rs 22,500 instead. That is, Rs 4,50,000. Also an additional profit of Rs 10 thousand. So the total amount is 4,It is 60 lakh rupees and your capital is 5 lakh rupees. So the total amount you get will be Rs 9.60 lakh

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Sunday, January 10, 2021

Craft work for kids using leaves

 Craft work for kids Utilizing leaves.

Importance of nursery site determination and construetion this is one of the best picture made from leafy green that I have ever viewed .best craft on leaves.once you can even try it at your home.

The nursery is a surprisingly beneficial improvement for controlling antagonistic climate situations, for example, extraordinary cool, outrageous warmth, exceptional light, extreme precipitation or water deficiencies, snowfall, solid breezes just as serious irritation pervasions. In this nursery, carbon dioxide, oxygen and ethylene gas are controlled as needed. This method is at first costly} meaning just costly yields. 

A specific kind of structure that manages the indoor climate by covering it with a straightforward or clear top. The logical methodology of planning vegetables, blossoms and dharu in a solitary season is recognized as a nursery. In a tropical nation such as India, there is regularly no favorable climate for crop creation consistently. 

that can't be filled in the outside and are improved to keep up specific guidelines required  for send out or to be prepared and esteem added. 

Benefits of a nursery: 

Any type of plant can be developed anyplace. .. « , 

Plants can be improved whenever of the year. (Slow time of year) 

Sound best quality, exportable plants can be created. 

Sicknesses It is easier to ensure against bugs. 

Planting plants gets easier . Nurseries should be possible without any trouble. (Indoor plants) 

Nurseries are costly in the first place however have great benefits over the long haul. Moreover pay can be procured in less land. 

Unpredictable (English) vegetables can be improved. 

Arranged a' nursery on the patio of the home, did kitchen planting and got day by day vegetables. 

Nursery crops have best creation manageability. ~ Employment openings can be expanded. 

Basic strategies for enlargement and tissue culture can be used to develop new plants and solidify the readied plants . 

A nursery is a specific sort of structure with a casing covered with a straightforward or clear covering of plastic, polyethylene or glass in which the indoor climate can be altered by the needs of the harvest The fundamental bit of leeway of this is that more blossoms or elaborate plants just as vegetables can be delivered from a little tract for a long time.

Moreover great quality blossoms can be developed. As of now, nursery is considered as a significant organ for gardening in the Gujarat. In our state, high temperature, unpredictable precipitation, extreme extraordinary daylight just as vacillations in the level of moistness noticeable all around effectsly effect the harvest creation of blossoms.

In a specifically  heterogeneous circumstance, great quality microorganism free blossoms can be gotten by controlling the indoor natural variables through the nursery. The cost of blossoms in winter season is a lot of lower than in the summer season. So'that inthe summer season, by 

improving  the blossoms of cutiiowers through the greenhouse, the cost can be gotten and more strange trade can be acquired by sending out abroad.

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Tuesday, January 5, 2021

Can you solve this high IQ number math puzzle? | Puzzle Solution

Can you solve this high IQ number math puzzle? | Puzzle Solution keep visiting for more puzzles.


6 + 2 x 4 = 15

12 + 3 x 5 = 30

30 + 8 x 12 = 175


100 + 16 x 14 = ?

So were you able to guess the answer? if yes then congratulation if no don't worry scroll down further to know the right answer.


Answer is 530


EQUATION 1 -: 3 + ( 2 x ( 2 + 4 ) ) = 3 + ( 2 x 6 ) = ( 3 + 12 ) = 15 ( note that first we have to half the first number then multiply second number with the addition of second and third number )


EQUATION 2 -: 6 + ( 3 × 8 ) = 6 + 24 = 30 ( note 8 comes from addition of 5 and 8 )

EQUATION 3 -: 15 + ( 8 × 20 ) = 15 + 160 = 175

EQUATION 4 -: 50 + ( 16 × 30 ) = 530

Do share this puzzles with your friends cousins and on social networking sites. click here for more gujarati ukhana.

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